Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sen.Ann Rest SF70_Disenfranchise_MN Voters_Judges

Tues 27Apr10 SF70
Taking our Vote 5th Amend. Taking Clause
Disenfranching Voter by Covert Tactic's by Elected Officials v. Voters Voting Rights Act.
MN Const. Art. III Separation of Powers, MN Const. Art.X Taxes levied
Denying Public Testimony However published Today http://www.startribune.com/
article by Reporter Pat Doyle
Thanks to Hon. Citizen Nancy Lazaryan to bring to Public Scrunity.
State Senate District 45: Crystal, Golden Valley, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale

Senator Ann H. Rest

Ann H. Rest

Chair, Committee on State and Local Government Operations and Oversight

Chair, Subdivision on Airways, Railways and Waterways (Transportation Policy)

Member: Transportation Policy Committee and Budget Division; Transit Subdivision; Taxes Committee, State Government Budget Division

Commissions: Chair, Legislative Audit Commission (for reports from the Legislative Auditor's Office, click here)

National Conference of State Legislatures Committees: Law and Criminal Justice , Budgets and Revenue, Redistricting and Elections


NCSL Executive Committee Task Force

Ann H. Rest. Chair, Committee on State and Local Government Operations and Oversight ... Sen. Rest teams up with Minnesota firefighters ...

Judicial retention election bill is dropped WOPULAR
Apr 26, 2010 ... SF 70 - Senator Ann Rest / HF 224 - Representative Steve Simon. This bill proposes an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution to change the ... The proposal would revamp the rules about when and how charter schools can ...
www.wopular.com/judicial-retention-election-bill-dropped - 11 hours ago
Minnesota Senate Committees
Procedural Rules Rules of the Senate · Joint Rules. Appointments ... 2009-2010 Senate Committee Structure with chair, vice chair and staff (PDF Document) ... Subscribe to Email List, Minnesota Senate E-Mailing List Subscription Form ...
www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/ - Cached - Similar

Judicial retention election bill is dropped

The bill was pulled by its sponsor amid a backlash from anti-abortion groups and other interests.

Last update: April 26, 2010 - 10:46 PM

A proposal to replace contested judicial elections with a system allowing voters to reject judges has been dropped amid opposition from groups against abortion and other interests.

Rep. Steve Simon, DFL-

posted by gerimya on Apr 26, 10 at 10:48 pm
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It is not over until the fat lady sings

The bill is still alive in the Senate with a hearing scheduled for Tuesday afternoon in the Rules committee. It is my understanding if the Senate passes their version of the bill it will be brought over to House floor for a vote, thereby eliminating the need for any committee hearing in the House.I was scheduled to testify at the HOUSE committee hearing that Rep. Mullery chairs, at 9:30AM on Monday. On Sunday, at 7:10PM, I received an email from Patrick Baldwin that stated the bill had been removed from the Monday hearing.This was the THIRD time in one week that the House bill had been scheduled in committee and then removed.On Monday, notice was sent out that the Senate bill was "live" and scheduled to be heard in committee on Tuesday.I think it is outrageous that this newspaper characterized the reason the bill was pulled in the House was because of pressure from "anti-abortion groups".This bill began as the "Quie Commission Bill", promoted by former Gov. Quie, who apparently loved appointing judges. Quie actually testified in the MN Senate that is was "too difficult" for voters to decide who to vote for, and this bill made things easier for them.Rumor is there has been over $1 million spent to promote this bill.And the opponents have had NO MONEY behind us, only our voice.Our voice is clear:NEVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.This election will be great! There are some challengers to the MN Court of Appeals and Supreme Court that understand the government serves the people, and the supreme LAW in this state is our constitutions.We will hear from these challengers WHY we should vote from them and HOW the incumbent judges violated our rights.NEVER, EVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE

posted by nanlazaryan on Apr 27, 10 at 2:12 am
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I spoke against the proposed constitutional amendment at numerous legislative hearings because it would create a judiciary that is unaccountable to the public. Unaccountability in public officials is unacceptable; and in the judiciary, it is dangerous. Even the District Court Judges Association was opposed the proposed constitutional amendment, because it contained no check on the power of the Governor to appoint. As Judge Susan Miles, the Association's representative, testified at the last legislative hearing, an appointee who was poorly qualified "could do a lot of damage." The damage she was talking about was damage to the public caused by a judge's bad decisions -- as well as, damage to the image of the judiciary.The proposed constitutional amendment is a bad idea that does not serve the interests of the public; its serves only the interests of incumbent judges who do not want to face the public in an election. We need to keep fighting and make sure the bill in the Minnesota Senate never becomes law.Greg Wersal, Candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court

posted by gregwersal on Apr 27, 10 at 9:15 am
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As Denied Candidate In re: ScarrellaforAssoc.Judtice 221NW2nd 562, Sharon Scarrella is Not a Liar or Lawyer, The Right to Vote for and Hold any Elecive Office is paramount.Learned in Law has never been defied to mean Licensed Lawyer, Separation of Powers, Sharon will be on the Ballot again for State AG, Constitutional Offices must not be Tampered with by Judge made Case Law. Perpetual "Appointments" are not Constitutionally Valid www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com

posted by sharia4law on Apr 27, 10 at 9:56 am

/s/ Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913_sa1299 Attorney Pro Se_InFact,Private Attorney General Sharon4 Anderson - Google Profile ,Candidate 2010 iGoogle http://www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/ Homestead Act of 1862 Blogger: User Profile: Sharon Anderson SharonsYahoo!
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Judicial Retention Cancelled HF224_Simon Says

The Minnesota House of Representatives provides live, unedited webcast television coverage of all floor sessions, as well as select committee hearings and press conferences. All programming is also archived. Minnesota House television webcast schedules and links to the live webcasts can be found at: www.house.leg.state.mn.us/htv/schedule.asp


Monday, April 26

9:30 a.m. - (live) House Civil Justice Committee
Agenda: HF224 (Simon) Retention elections for judges established, judicial performance commission created, and constitutional amendment proposed; HF2060 (Sterner) Contract cancellations regulated and insurance claims for residential roofing goods and services regulated; HF3786 (Kulick Jackson) Private transfer fees prohibited.
* At the request of the author of HF224, the hearing of the House Committee on Civil Justice has been canceled and the provisions of HF224 will not be taken up by any committee or body of the legislature this session.

12 p.m. - (live) House floor session

30 minutes after the House floor session or 1 p.m., whichever is later - (live) House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division
Agenda: HF2614 (Huntley) Intensive care management program established for medical assistance enrollees, funding reduced for the medical assistance program, request for proposals required, report required, and money appropriated. Nonpartisan walk-through of House supplemental health and human services budget bill.


Minnesota House audio and video archives can be found at: www.house.leg.state.mn.us/audio/default.asp

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    Sunday, April 25, 2010


    Stories on The UpTake

    Suing To Elect A Supreme Court Justice

    In Minnesota Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be elected. However, Minnesota's Chief Justice hasn't been election in the last 10 years. That's because of the timing of the resignations of the last three Chief Justices. Governor Tim Pawlenty has appointed each of them and each of them resigned before they faced election.

    There is a court challenge to allowing the Governor to appoint a new Chief Justice in the wake of Chief Justice Eric Magnuson's resignation effective in June. The suit asks for voter intervention. The Minnesota Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case, but Governor Tim Pawlenty's appointees on the court recused themselves from hearing the case.


    Affidavit of Sharon Scarrella Anderson Opposition to HF224_HF3643_Simon SF70_SF 3152_Rest re: Retention of Judges, Merit.


    Tim Kinley MONDAY, April 26, 2010 9:30 AM Room: 10 State Office Building Chair: Rep. Joe Mullery Agenda: HF224 (Simon) Retention elections for judges established, judicial performance commission created, and constitutional amendment proposed.

    Thu at 3:26pm · ·


    Tim Kinley
    Please contact house committee members to ask them to vote no! Are liberties and freedom to vote are at stake.

    Thu at 3:28pm


    Sharon Anderson
    or file electronically for pdf testimony Campion SF70 Ann Rest

    3 hours ago ·

    " Power to elect resides in the People" Clark v. Pawlenty

    Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The National Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. § 1973–1973aa-6) outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread ...

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act - Cached - Similar

    Sharons Testimony to the MN Legislature: Systemic Abuse by Governor Tim Pawlenty in Judicial Appointments to Deny the Citizens their Right to Vote for and Hold Judicial Office: in a "Patterened" since the Blatz Resignation.

    a. Filings for Office of Chief Justice MN are May 18th and that Office be on the Ballot in the 2010 Elections

    Sharons Standing In re: Scarrella for Associate Justice 221NW2nd562 Denied by Judicial Anachary as "Learned in the Law" has never been defined to mean Licensed Lawyer.

    Further Separation of Powers Doctrine, the Franchise of Lawyers in all 3 Branch's is contrary to Minn. Const. Art. III.
    Minnesota Constitution: Article III
    Minnesota State Constitution Image Map Navigation Banner. ARTICLE III DISTRIBUTION OF THE POWERS OF GOVERNMENT. Section 1. DIVISION OF POWERS. ...
    www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cco/rules/mncon/Article3.htm - Cached

    MN Constitution: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cco/rules/mncon/mncon.htm
    Sec. 7. Term of office; election. The term of office of all judges shall be six years and until their successors are qualified. They shall be elected by the voters from the area which they are to serve in the manner provided by law.

    Sec. 8. Vacancy. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of judge the governor shall appoint in the manner provided by law a qualified person to fill the vacancy until a successor is elected and qualified. The successor shall be elected for a six year term at the next general election occurring more than one year after the appointment.



    Suing To Elect A Supreme Court Justice

    In Minnesota Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be elected. However, Minnesota's Chief Justice hasn't been election in the last 10 years....
    Full Story

    Click here: S.F. No. 70, 2nd Engrossment - 86th Legislative Session (2009-2010)


    http://www.google.com/#hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=HF224+Simon+&fp=878fd318df96ce6 HF224_Simon

    SF70_Ann Rest

    KEY: stricken = removed, old language. underscored = added, new language.
    Authors and Status List versions

    S.F. No. 70, 2nd Engrossment - 86th Legislative Session (2009-2010) Posted on Mar 19, 2009

    1.1A bill for an act
    1.2relating to judicial selection; proposing an amendment to the Minnesota
    1.3Constitution, article VI, sections 7 and 8; establishing retention elections for
    1.4judges; creating a judicial performance commission;amending Minnesota
    1.5Statutes 2008, sections 10A.01, subdivisions 7, 10, 15; 13.90, subdivision
    1.62; 204B.06, subdivision 6; 204B.34, subdivision 3; 204B.36, subdivision 4;
    1.7proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 204D; 480B;
    1.8repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 204B.36, subdivision 5; 204D.14,

    Senate Authors Rest ; Betzold ; Moua ; Pariseau

    Long Description
    Committee Hearings and Actions
    Senate Counsel & Research Summary

    SENATE Actions HOUSE Actions Top

    Date ↓ Action Description / Committee Text Page Roll Call
    01/12/2009 Introduction and first reading Intro 62
    01/12/2009 Referred to Judiciary
    03/05/2009 Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight 1 414a
    03/19/2009 Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration 2 830a
    03/11/2010 Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance 7532
    04/08/2010 Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration 3 9323a
    04/19/2010 Author stricken Senjem 9636

    HOUSE Actions SENATE Actions Top
    1.9subdivision 3.
    1.10BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA:Legislature Home PageAdvanced Search Page LinkHelp Page LinkLinks to the WorldHouse of RepresentativesSenate LinkLegislation and Bill Status Laws, Statutes, and RulesJoint Departments and Commissions

    House Senate Joint Departments and Commissions Bill Search and Status Statutes, Laws, and Rules

    HF0224 Status in House for Legislative Session 86

    Bill Name: HF0224
    Bill Text
    Companion: SF0070
    Companion Text
    Companion Status
    Senate Search
    Revisor Number: 09-0797

    House Authors Simon ; Winkler ; Hortman ; Gottwalt ; Morgan ; Kahn ; Sterner ; Scalze ; Morrow ; Rosenthal ; Newton

    Short Description Retention elections for judges established, judicial performance commission created, and constitutional amendment proposed.

    Long Description
    Further Committee Actions
    House Research Summary

    HOUSE Actions SENATE Actions Top

    Date ↓ Action Description / Committee Text Page Roll Call
    01/22/2009 Introduction and first reading, referred to State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections Intro 94
    01/26/2009 Author added Morgan 124
    02/12/2009 Author added Kahn 322
    02/11/2010 Author added Sterner 7675
    02/12/2010 Author added Scalze 7726
    03/01/2010 Author added Morrow 8056
    03/08/2010 Committee report, to pass as amended and re-refer to Civil Justice 8168a
    03/08/2010 Author added Rosenthal 8336
    03/09/2010 Author stricken Gunther 8429
    04/06/2010 Author added Newton 9795

    SENATE Actions HOUSE Actions Top


    Retention / Election Bill

    SF 70 - Senator Ann Rest / HF 224 - Representative Steve Simon

    This bill proposes an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution to change the process for the selection of state court judges. The bill would amend the Constitution and relevant statutes to require that judges who have been initially appointed by the Governor stand for a retention election at the next regularly scheduled general election held more than three years after the appointment of the judge. If the majority of voters vote "no," the office would be declared vacant and the Governor would appoint a new individual to fill the vacancy, as provided under current law. If the voters decide to retain the judge, the judge would serve an eight-year term. (Overview provided by Senate Counsel.)

    Click here to read the bill text.

    Merit Selection Bill

    SF 3152 Senator Ann Rest - HF 3643 Representative Steve Simon

    This bill requires merit selection for all justices and judges, and modifies requirements related to the Commission on Judicial Selection.

    Click here to read the bill text.

    LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299
    telfx: 651-776-5835:
    Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010
    http://www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/Blogger: http://www.google.com/ig?referrer=ign
