State Senate District 45: Crystal, Golden Valley, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale
Ann H. Rest Chair, Committee on State and Local Government Operations and Oversight Chair, Subdivision on Airways, Railways and Waterways (Transportation Policy) Member: Transportation Policy Committee and Budget Division; Transit Subdivision; Taxes Committee, State Government Budget Division Commissions: Chair, Legislative Audit Commission (for reports from the Legislative Auditor's Office, click here) National Conference of State Legislatures Committees: Law and Criminal Justice , Budgets and Revenue, Redistricting and Elections | - 11 hours ago
Judicial retention election bill is dropped
The bill was pulled by its sponsor amid a backlash from anti-abortion groups and other interests.
A proposal to replace contested judicial elections with a system allowing voters to reject judges has been dropped amid opposition from groups against abortion and other interests.
Rep. Steve Simon, DFL-
I spoke against the proposed constitutional amendment at numerous legislative hearings because it would create a judiciary that is unaccountable to the public. Unaccountability in public officials is unacceptable; and in the judiciary, it is dangerous. Even the District Court Judges Association was opposed the proposed constitutional amendment, because it contained no check on the power of the Governor to appoint. As Judge Susan Miles, the Association's representative, testified at the last legislative hearing, an appointee who was poorly qualified "could do a lot of damage." The damage she was talking about was damage to the public caused by a judge's bad decisions -- as well as, damage to the image of the judiciary.The proposed constitutional amendment is a bad idea that does not serve the interests of the public; its serves only the interests of incumbent judges who do not want to face the public in an election. We need to keep fighting and make sure the bill in the Minnesota Senate never becomes law.Greg Wersal, Candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court
As Denied Candidate In re: ScarrellaforAssoc.Judtice 221NW2nd 562, Sharon Scarrella is Not a Liar or Lawyer, The Right to Vote for and Hold any Elecive Office is paramount.Learned in Law has never been defied to mean Licensed Lawyer, Separation of Powers, Sharon will be on the Ballot again for State AG, Constitutional Offices must not be Tampered with by Judge made Case Law. Perpetual "Appointments" are not Constitutionally Valid
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It is not over until the fat lady sings
The bill is still alive in the Senate with a hearing scheduled for Tuesday afternoon in the Rules committee. It is my understanding if the Senate passes their version of the bill it will be brought over to House floor for a vote, thereby eliminating the need for any committee hearing in the House.I was scheduled to testify at the HOUSE committee hearing that Rep. Mullery chairs, at 9:30AM on Monday. On Sunday, at 7:10PM, I received an email from Patrick Baldwin that stated the bill had been removed from the Monday hearing.This was the THIRD time in one week that the House bill had been scheduled in committee and then removed.On Monday, notice was sent out that the Senate bill was "live" and scheduled to be heard in committee on Tuesday.I think it is outrageous that this newspaper characterized the reason the bill was pulled in the House was because of pressure from "anti-abortion groups".This bill began as the "Quie Commission Bill", promoted by former Gov. Quie, who apparently loved appointing judges. Quie actually testified in the MN Senate that is was "too difficult" for voters to decide who to vote for, and this bill made things easier for them.Rumor is there has been over $1 million spent to promote this bill.And the opponents have had NO MONEY behind us, only our voice.Our voice is clear:NEVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.This election will be great! There are some challengers to the MN Court of Appeals and Supreme Court that understand the government serves the people, and the supreme LAW in this state is our constitutions.We will hear from these challengers WHY we should vote from them and HOW the incumbent judges violated our rights.NEVER, EVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE