Thursday, December 18, 2008

MN Court_Oral Arg.A08-2169 Coleman v. Franken

Minnesota Judicial Branch

Minnesota Supreme Court Video Oral Argument

The following oral arguments are provided in Windows Media format.
You will need the Windows Media Player plugin to view them.

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Case Name:Norm Coleman, et al., Petitioners, vs. Mark Ritchie, Minnesota Secretary of State, the Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Isanti County Canvassing Board, et al., Respondents, Al Franken for Senate and Al Franken, Intervenor-Respondents
Case Number:A08-2169
Date of Oral Argument:12/17/2008
Opinion:Not Available

Right Click (Windows users) or
Ctrl+Click(Mac users) on the link above.
Choose Save As to download

Video Help

You must have the Windows Media Player plugin to view the oral argument videos. If you are having problems seeing the player then your browser does not have it installed or installed properly. Check the help section of your browser. If you are using Firefox you must have the Windows Media Player and ActiveX installed properly. Firefox does not have these installed by default because of its security features. You can learn more about Firefox and ActiveX at MozillaZine forum.

To view the video at different sizes and Full Screen:
Internet Explorer users use the view percentage links under the video.
Non Internet Explorer users - Right Click (Windows users) or Ctrl+Click(Mac users) on the video, use the menu to choose ZOOM then choose: 50%, 100%, 200% or Full Screen. The video is intially set to 100%.


Video Oral Argument pages and videos produced in partnership with Twin Cities Public Television.

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